Assassin's Creed: Lineage

Assassin's Creed Lineage is an original all-action film introducing Giovanni Auditore, father of the lead character in the Assassins Creed II videogame. This prequel by Hybride Studios (300, Sin City) and Ubisoft sees Ezio's father uncover a vast conspiracy in 15th century Renaissance Italy - home of Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci and the Medici. And in the process his son, Ezio's fate is sealed.

When the Duke of Milan is brutally murdered, Giovanni Auditore an Assassin - is dispatched to investigate the crime. His mission: determine who is responsible and why. The answers he uncovers implicate Italys most powerful families reaching all the way back to the Vatican itself. As Giovanni draws closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he joins their ever growing list of victims. This is the Prequel to the Assassins Creed 2 Story.

Also available in three episodes:

Episode # 1:

1476, Florence. Giovanni Auditore, an assassin, attempts to thwart a conspiracy against one of Lorenzo de Medicis allies, whom he works for. The ensuing inquiry will take him to Milan where he tries to prevent the worst from happening.

Episode # 2 :

Pursuing Sforzas assassins, Giovanni arrives in Venice where he intercepts a coded letter from the members of the conspiracy. Decoding this document in order to get to the top of the conspiracy becomes of imperial importance.

Episode # 3 :

Unable to decode the letter, Giovanni decides to deliver it to Rome in order to unmask the ringleaders. But there he discovers that the conspiracy is much more widespread and dangerous than he thought.

Assassin's Creed: Lineage (IMDb)

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